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The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. Its name "milky" is derived from its appearance as a dim glowing band arching across the night sky in which the naked eye can not distinguish individual stars. The term "Milky Way" is a translation of the Latin via lactea, from the Greek ("milky circle"). From Earth, the Milky Way appears as a band because to the fact that its disk-shaped structure is checked out from within. Galileo Galilei initially dealt with the band of light right into specific superstars with his telescope in 1610. Up till the early 1920s, a lot of astronomers assumed that all of the celebrities in the cosmos were had within the Milky Way. Complying with the 1920 Great Debate between the astronomers Harlow Shapley as well as Heber Curtis, monitorings by Edwin Hubble definitively revealed that the Milky Way is simply one of several billions of galaxies.
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy some 100,000-- 120,000 light-years in dimension, which includes 100-- 400 billion stars. It might consist of at the very least as several earths. The Solar System lies within the disk, concerning 27,000 light-years away from the Galactic Center, on the internal side of among the spiral-shaped focus of gas and also dust called the Orion Arm. The stars in the inner 10,000 light-years form a lump and several bars that emit from the bulge. The actual center is marked by an intense radio source, called Sagittarius, which is likely to be a supermassive black hole.
Stars and also gases at a large range of ranges from the Galactic Center orbit at approximately 220 kilometers per secondly. The continuous rotation rate opposes the laws of Keplerian mechanics and proposes that much of the mass of the Milky Way does not discharge or soak up electro-magnetic radiation. This mass has been offered the name "dark matter". The rotational period has to do with 240 million years at the position of the Sun. The Milky Way all at once is moving at a velocity of roughly 600 km each 2nd with only regard to extragalactic structures of referral. The oldest known celebrity in the Milky Way is at least 13.82 billion years aged and thus should have developed shortly after the Big Bang.
Bordered by numerous smaller satellite galaxies, the Milky Way is part of the Local Group of galaxies, which develops a subcomponent of the Virgo Supercluster, which once more forms a subcomponent of the Laniakea Supercluster.
When noting the night sky, the term "Milky Way" is limited to the hazy band of white light some 30 degrees broad arcing across the sky. Although all of the individual celebrities that can be viewed in the entire sky with only the nude eye belong to the Milky Way Galaxy, the light in this band stems from the buildup of un-resolved stars and various other product when viewed towards the Galactic plane. Dark areas within the band, such as the Great Rift and the Coalsack, represent locations where light from remote stars is obstructed by interstellar dust. The area where the Milky Way is self-obscuring is additionally referred to as the zone of evasion.
The Milky Way has a relatively low area brightness. This makes the Milky Way challenging to view from any sort of vibrantly lit city or rural location, however extremely famous when watched from a country location when the Moon is below the horizon.

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milky way
milky way documentary
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solar system documentary
spiral galaxy
the mystery of the milky way galaxy
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